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Build your store in just 8 days | Up to 70% subsidized | SkillsFuture Claimable
The biggest mistake we see first time e-commerce investors make is that they spend thousands of dollars and months of their time building a new marketplace or shop. This is the wrong place to start. In the world of e-commerce traffic is the most critical element and there are online platforms that have millions of daily views, and free to start.
Even though there are millions of daily views on online marketplaces like Shopee, we still need to stand out and make our products and offerings attractive. Being able to attract customers is an art and this is the module that we teach it.
Order fulfilment is the all important final step of e-commerce because if you do not ship your products asap, you don’t get the money! Also, shipping speed is the top basis of review. In this module we cover the essentials that may be overlooked and save you time and money from costly mistakes.
Your online store is only going to be successful if you are making real profit. Many times new store owners miscalculate the true cost of operation by missing out elements or overlooking critical costs. This makes your business not-scalable.
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