Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in

Electrical and Electronic Engineering










In partnership with



This course is a top-up degree programme. It requires you to have prior qualifications that are recognized by our UK University partner for entry. The following modules are what you are required to complete to earn the degree.

  • Design, modelling and implementation of digital systems through the use of
    Hardware Description Languages (HDL): Concepts, modelling techniques, hierarchical design, datapath-controller models, hardware synthesis.
  • Microprocessor architectures from a hardware design perspective, the basic components and functionality Abstract RTL descriptions, Concrete RTL descriptions
    Designers view v Programmers view
  • Internal components eg Adders/subtracters, multipliers, Registers, Interrupts, I/O controllers
  • Control unit design, Hardwired, Micro-coded, pipelined
  • High Level models
  • HDL: Modelling concepts, overview, Language subsets for synthesis, Design Methodologies; ASM diagrams, Sequence enumeration, Use – Case models
  • Verification; Tools and techniques,
  • Synthesis; Limitations, target architectures, tools
  • System on Chip:
  • Design at the system level; Ip blocks, soft-core processors, interfaces
  • Real world issues; PCB design issues, power, reset
  • DSP hardware
  • Signals: Definition; deterministic (periodic and aperiodic) random; signal sources; information;
    mathematical representation of basic deterministic signals.
  • Phasors: Graphical addition of sinusoids; definition of a phasor; phasor impedance and transfer
    functions of RLC networks.
  • Power: Dc and rms values; power factor; real, reactive and apparent power in RLC networks
  • Laplace transforms:
    Definition; transforms of common signals; use of tables; solution of ordinary differential equations;
    partial fractions; generalised impedance and transfer functions of RLC networks; pole/zero
    diagrams; network time response; forced and natural modes; time constant; stability; second
    order response; use of standard second order response chart.
  • Network analysis: RLC network analysis using Laplace transforms; step and sinusoidal response.
  • Frequency response:
    Frequency response from Laplace transfer function; bandwidth in relation to time constant;
    definition of dB; Bode plots with straight line approximation; Nyquist plots, resonance.
  • Fourier series: Trigonometric and phasor form; power spectrum.
  • Fourier transform: Derivation from Fourier series; Fourier transform of common signals; inverse
    spreading principle; relation to Laplace transforms; Parseval’s theorem; energy spectral density.
  • Convolution: The convolution integral; graphical convolution;
    Filter classification LP, HP, BP; 2nd and higher order; transfer functions; Butterwoth and
    Chebychev approximations; normalised prototypes; scaling; passive and active realisations
  • Systems Electronics:
    Operational amplifiers: Non-ideal operational amplifiers; current sources; current mirrors; offset; bias; drift; noise; gain-bandwidth; rise time.
  • Introduction to system modelling and the use of transfer functions.
  • Developing models from first engineering principles, and using the Laplace operator
    “s”. Cross discipline examples.
  • System classification by order.
  • System time responses and behaviour.
  • Introduction to Closed loop feedback control, the use and manipulation of Block
  • Use of the “s” plane as a means of representing the system.
  • Root locus plots.
  • Frequency response analysis and the relationship with the transfer function (system
  • Modifying behaviour and the design of standard controllers
  • Use of computer software for simulation and design of control systems
  • Introduction to State space techniques and non-linearity
  • The principles and practice of a number of conventional and renewable power generation systems including technical, economic, environmental and political considerations.
  • Review of basic concepts of energy, power and efficiency; energy use inhuman activity.
  • Renewable Energy systems: power from water, wind, biomass, solar  electricity generation and solar thermal systems.
  • Overview of power from nuclear energy
  • Basics of electrical machines and distribution networks; structure of the Singapore electricity industry.
  • Energy use in Transport
  • Future vehicle developments

Introduction and basic definitions.
Time domain analysis: Digital convolution (definition, signal shifting, basic methods).
Frequency domain analysis.
Fourier Theory: Definition, discrete Fourier series, discrete Fourier transform, properties.
Z-transform: Definition, properties, z-transform vs Fourier transform, graphical approach.
Filter design: FIR filter design (inverse Fourier transform and windowing), IIR design (Butterworth,
Chebychev, impulse method etc.)
DSP chips
Consists of a series of lab-based exercises using appropriate software and hardware. The
programming language adopted is C/C++. Aspects of Matlab programming are also introduced.

  • Material Science Concepts
  • Electrical and thermal conduction of solids
  • Modern theory of solids
  • Semiconductors, electronic ceramics and polymers
  • Dielectric materials and insulation
  • Magnetic properties of materials
  • Optical properties of materials
  • Superconductivity
  • Processes in semiconductor manufacturing

Enhanced classical control system analysis and design.
Control mathematics, such as matrix algebra, Laplace transform, z-transformer,
differential equations, and difference equations, for control system modelling,
analysis, and design.
Use of computational packages, such as Matlab, to analyse and design control
Advanced control concepts such state-space representations, solution of state
equations, controllability and observability; state-feedback, (pole placement) control
Modelling and analysis of multivariable control systems, to convert from the transfer
function model to state space representation, and vice versa. Evaluation of dynamic
plant performance in aspect of controllability and observability.
Design of multivariable state-feedback controllers, decoupling control systems, state
Digital control system analysis and design with applications.

Power Electronic Systems,
DC to DC Choppers,
AC to DC Converters,
DC to AC Inverters,
AC to AC Regulators,
Switched Mode Power Supplies,
Power Electronic Switches,
High Voltage DC Transmission,
FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems),
Power Electronics for Wind, Solar and Hydro: Grid Interconnection.

This module is designed to give the student an opportunity to undertake individual and self-directed work, in an area of their choice, related to their award, and to further develop their engineering-based knowledge.
The project may encompass any aspect of engineering, and may result from a student’s industrial work, personal interest or experience at the university.
The learning will be predominantly independent, self-directed study, with the support of a project supervisor / the module leader.

Why Students Choose Our

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Degree

Graduates from this programme can look forward to high paying roles in a diverse set of sectors like renewable power generation, and systems, power grids, electrical installations, electronic manufacturing, automation and more.

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What You Can Expect After Completing Our

Engineering Degree

Our 2020 graduates were surveyed in 2021 and they reported the following monthly salaries:

And these industries are still looking for talent!
Get qualified for these roles with us.

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Part-Time Classes


Mon / Wed

7pm – 9:30pm


Mon – Fri

1pm – 4pm


Full-Time Local

Without Subsidy
$ 24,900
  • University Registration
  • 9 Modules
  • 9 Exams
  • 12 Months

Full-Time Local

Wtih Subsidy
$ 18,900
  • University Registration
  • 9 Modules
  • 9 Exams
  • 12 Months


Local / Foreign
$ 19,900
  • University Registration
  • 9 Modules
  • 9 Exams
  • 16 Months
All courses require $107 Application Fee to be paid upfront. Fees stated are for all students (local and foreigners). Subsidies of up to $6000 are available for eligible persons. Enquire for subsidy details. Installments, Loans, and Payment Plans available on request


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