This Is How Technicians Upgrade To Engineers:
Part-Time Degrees
- Increase Your Earnings Potential
- Qualify For More Jobs Across Industries
- Attract Top-In-Class Employers
Career Potential Could Be Serious Limited by Staying Qualified at Diploma-Only Level
Why Do I Need a Degree? (NITEC holders)
Why Do I Need a Degree? (Poly Dip holders)
Our analysis is that assuming a NITEC/Higher NITEC holder receives increments at 3.5% per year for the first 10 years, and subsequently 5% for the next 10 years they will eventually earn more than $5000/month after 20 years.
However, If they were to jump to a degree holder status, their earnings could easily jump to the $5000/month level in about 12 years.
That’s 8 years earlier.
What Is My Route To An
Engineering Degree?
*Poly Diploma Holders Enter Here
Our University Partner:
- Ranked 28th by The Guardian League Tables Guide 2020
- Ranked 7th Building and Country Planning (Guardian, 2020)
- Ranked 23rd Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Guardian, 2020)
- Ranked 20th Mechanical Engineering (Guardian, 2020)
Available Titles:
B Sc (Hons) in Construction Project Management
The construction is one of the largest sectors in Singapore with nearly a constant flow of projects. But beyond just one area of expertise like safety or quality, this course trains you to run the full project. This is a top-up degree.
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B Eng (Hons) in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
This course is designed for the electrical and electronic engineering diploma holders who want to further their careers in automation, embedded systems, and in some cases Research & Design and Innovation. This is a top-up degree
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B Eng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics)
If you’ve already got a diploma from polytechnic and want to improve your career opportunities in quality and testing, manufacturing, the semiconductor industry, this is the course for you. This is the a top-up degree
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Top Reasons That People Choose To Study With Us:
Qualify For That Promotion
Many of our students report that they get passed over for promotions because although they have extensive industry experience, they lack the paper qualifications. With a degree, you won't miss the opportunity!
Become Sought After Talent
Having a degree in a tight-labour market just means there are more people looking for someone like you with these rare and unique skills. We've specially chosen our degree titles so that graduates are more likely to succeed!
Get Recognized by Industry
There are many organizations such as SingTel, United Technologies, Rolls-Royce, and others who regularly sponsor their staff to study degrees with us. We believe that this represents how much they trust our quality and graduates.
Ask Us If You're Eligible For Our Programme
If a part time degree in engineering sounds likes something that you’re keen to do, please get in touch with us by filling the form below.
The pathway to higher education is long. But you can start now – and we’re here to help.