1. Feedback and Complaints Procedure
2. Students who wish to provide to the school any official complaints or anonymous feedback (no action will be taken to share the results) may submit to:
Email – help@auston.edu.sg
Auston Website – www.auston.edu.sg/feedback (Anonymous)
2. The Management Team is to acknowledge the feedback / complaint received. This should be done within 3 working days.
3. Management Team will review the complaint and discuss it with relevant parties on issue raised. A formal investigation may be carried out, if necessary.
4. Relevant parties will then propose a solution for the issue raised and the Management Team will explain it clearly to the student. This should be done within 7 working days upon receipt of the Complaint.
5. Student should acknowledge the situation whether they are satisfied with the proposed solution. This should be done within 14 working days upon receipt of the Complaint.
6. The decision of the Management Team is final.
7. Final outcome made, including this entire process, should not take more than 21 working days unless otherwise specified.
8. If the student is still not satisfied with the outcome / decision, they will be referred to the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb).
9. For suggestions and compliments, they can be generic and/or positive. This would not be covered under the Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedures.